IMQA | 프론트엔드 성능 모니터링 솔루션 IMQA


IMQA is creating differentiated management solutions
with QA experience and expertise.


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IMQA is a specialized performance management team
that monitors and analyzes the entire front end.

About IMQA

Only One,
Front-end integrated performance management solution

IMQA has also launched web performance management WPM based on the development know-how of MPM, a mobile performance management solution. Now, IMQA can manage the performance of all screens viewed by the user.

From web to mobile.
Providing users with the optimal digital experience with IMQA today.

IMQA Architecture

For mobile app performance monitoring, IMQA has an architecture that can efficiently separately process large amounts of datathrough a data collection server and a data analysis server.


Leading financial and e-commerce companies in Korea are upgrading the performance of their mobile apps and improving customer satisfaction through IMQA.


See examples of finding and improving the problem that occurred during service operation through IMQA.

  • User Behavior Analysis, operation team's most frequently used function

    Check the screen that caused the problem with one click when you receive a CS request. You can understand the problem and provide guidance first before asking and confirming with the customer regarding the problem situation again. CS response will be much easier.

  • Web resource analysis, solves the problem of slow event screen loading.

    If a page suddenly takes a long time to load, you can find the cause through resource analysis. If you are running e-commerce with a lot of web view data, you can monitor and improve the problem through web view monitoring and web resource analysis. Customers will leave even if the product details screen is displayed just a little late!

  • Stack information, solves the freezing problem of the payment screen that is directly related to sales!

    I heard that the payment screen was frozen. Thinking about sales made me dizzy. You can quickly solve the problem since you can analyze at the source code level. If a problem occurs, try finding the cause at the code level using IMQA!