Mobile (MPM) | 프론트엔드 성능 모니터링 솔루션 IMQA


Quickly identify problems by monitoring all front-end areas.

Mobile (MPM)

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A mobile performance
monitoring solution that
analyzes source code levels

IMQA can improve user experience through quick
and accurate monitoring by doing analysis on actual
user environments and identifying the causes through
source code levels, the first to do so in the world.

Monitors all layers of a mobile, quickly identifies
and enhances the app performance to improve
customer satisfaction.

A/B Dashboard

View the overall performance of two projects simultaneously through the A/B dashboard when operating both Android and iOS apps.  

Performance Dashboard

It can check the overall performance of a mobile app in real-time.  


Check screen loading time and response time data by native screen and webview screen.  

Stack analysis

Problems can be quickly identified and resolved by checking the cause of the native performance degradation at the source code level.  

WebView analysis

View detailed information about average page load time and performance information 


Witness IMQA’s independent technological power from web to mobile.

  • Analysis of resource usage in the
    actual user environment

    Unlike QA, it conducts data monitoring in the
    user’s actual mobile environment in real time.
    (screen loading time, network response time, CPU, memory, crash etc.)

  • Deducing and analyzing the causes
    using the source code

    It enables quick and accurate analysis by checking the cause of low
    performance through source code level It can quickly find the
    cause and respond to it when an error occurs.

  • Checking for a conflict with
    a third-party library

    IMQA does monitor users in their actual usage environment
    and thus any crashes in security, payment modules
    and third-party can be identified.

  • Flexible installation method support

    It supports all on-premise and cloud SaaS, and you can
    use customized services according to the user environment.

Analysis of resource usage in the actual user environment

Unlike QA, it conducts data monitoring in the user’s actual mobile environment in real time (screen loading time, network response time, CPU, memory, crash etc.) 

Deducing and analyzing the causes using the source code

It enables quick and accurate analysis by checking the cause of low performance through source code level It can quickly find the cause and respond to it when an error occurs.  

Checking for a conflict with a third-party library

IMQA does monitor users in their actual usage environment and thus any crashes in security, payment modules and third-party can be identified.  

Flexible Installation Method Support

It supports all on-premise and cloud SaaS, and you can use customized services according to the user environment.